
定息收益前瞻 — 2025年3月 (只提供英文版本)

Amid a challenging environment for core government bonds, high-yielding Asian and emerging market debt have performed well.

Spread assets maintain advantage over rates

Fixed income assets have generally shown resilience against market volatility emanating from the Trump administration’s business diplomacy. Although a challenged fiscal outlook and heightened rates volatility has left core government bonds scrambling for direction, spread assets have performed well, with high-yielding Asian and emerging market debt leading the pack. This outperformance may reflect hopes for a more measured trade conflict, as well as the fact that China, and many emerging economies, are less vulnerable to global shocks than in the past.

Asian high-yield sovereign issuers have posted strong gains yearto-date. Sri Lanka restructured its Eurobonds successfully, introducing a mix of new variable-rate instruments. Ongoing fiscal reforms under the new government have helped reduce external vulnerabilities and improve liquidity. Meanwhile, an IMF mission is visiting Pakistan for the first formal discussions regarding a USD 7 billion bailout package. Additionally, the country is expected to receive USD 20 billion in loans from the World Bank under a 10-year programme aimed at supporting inclusive and sustainable development.

Turning to corporate credit, we see no pressing case to chase beta amid heightened interest-rate volatility globally. Instead, we’re focused on bottom-up sector and single-credit analysis with a view to adding incremental, relative value. Credit spreads continue to grind tighter, supported by attractive yields and a slower primary market amid another relatively rosy earnings season. In investment grade, we remain overweight financials, especially large banks with strong balance sheets, and we still favour US utilities for their stable cash flows.

In high-yield credit, many stressed issuers continue to find support from creditors allowing them either to “amend and extend” or access alternative capital. As a result, weak issuers can reemerge with extended debt maturities and rerated bonds which eventually get reincluded in market indices. With this in mind, we have added cautiously-sized tactical exposure to what we call “sinners turned saints”. These include several companies in the construction and services sector, for example, where we see near-term improvement in their debt dynamics.

Higher-for-longer rates in the US have raised some concerns about interest coverage ratios for corporate issuers, but we don’t see major fundamental risks outside of the CCC-rated segment. Many analysts no longer foresee any US rate cuts this year. Minutes from the US Federal Reserve show policymakers are worried about the possibility of new tariffs hampering disinflation. We see front-end rates staying well-anchored and longer-dated Treasuries underperforming if a deteriorating fiscal outlook drives up term premia. That is why we prefer exposure to US yield-curve steepening rather than outright duration risk.

Core rates look more attractive in Europe, with derivatives markets still pricing in three more rate cuts this year from the European Central Bank – despite some hawkish comments lately from executive board member Isabel Schnabel. The recent euro government bond sell-off, partly in response to concerns about higher defence spending, seems to favour adding exposure to substitute or spread instruments such as supranational, sub-sovereign, agency and covered bonds, which may be less volatile.

Meanwhile, the German elections produced a rather fragmented political landscape that seems to favour the scenario of a “grand coalition” forming between the Conservatives and the Socialists. The Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU) and its sister party, CSU, got some 28.5% of the votes, while the Alternative for Germany (AfD) came in second with around 21% and the Social Democrats (SPD) recorded their worst ever result at about 16.5%.

We maintain our higher conviction in UK Gilts. This is partly due to more attractive real yields but also because we think that, unlike in other markets, the possibility of future rate cuts is not fully priced in. Recent data, including still strong wage growth and better-than-expected retail sales growth, have strengthened the Bank of England’s case for remaining cautious for now in its rate-cutting cycle. Headline consumer inflation for January surprised to the upside, at 3% year-on-year, boosted by a rise in airfares and the introduction of VAT on private school fees, widening the gap with the central bank’s 2% inflation target.

Source: Bloomberg, ICE BofA and JP Morgan indices; Allianz Global Investors, data as at 20 February 2025. Index returns in USD-hedged except for Euro indices (in EUR). Asian and emerging-market indices represent USD denominated bonds. Yield-to-worst adjusts down the yield-to-maturity for corporate bonds which can be “called away” (redeemed optionally at predetermined times before their maturity date). Effective duration also takes into account the effect of these “call options”. The information above is provided for illustrative purposes only, it should not be considered a recommendation to purchase or sell any particular security or strategy or as investment advice. Past performance, or any prediction, projection or forecast, is not indicative of future performance.

* Represents the lowest potential yield that an investor could theoretically receive on the bond up to maturity if bought at the current price (excluding the default case of the issuer). The yield to worst is determined by making worst-case scenario assumptions, calculating the returns that would be received if worst-case scenario provisions, including prepayment, call or sinking fund, are used by the issuer (excluding the default case). It is assumed that the bonds are held until maturity and interest income is reinvested on the same conditions. The yield to worst is a portfolio characteristic; in particular, it does not reflect the actual fund income. The expenses charged to the fund are not taken into account. As a result, the yield to worst does not predict future returns of a bond fund.

1. German coalition
The German elections yielded a splintered landscape which poses challenges for building a strong coalition government – one that can deliver a significant policy-driven stimulus to the German economy. The most likely outcome looks like a “grand coalition” between the CDU/ CSU and SPD, which have governed together many times before. Whether such a coalition can muster a joint mandate to reform Germany’s strict public debt limits remains to be seen.

2. Ukraine ceasefire
US President Donald Trump announced a second round of talks between US and Russian delegations about a ceasefire in Ukraine. Preparations are reportedly underway for a face-to-face meeting between Trump and Russian president Vladimir Putin, which would mark a shift away from Russia’s diplomatic isolation. Any indication of an imminent ceasefire could push core yields higher and prove generally supportive for risk assets.

3. US inflation
The January reading of the US Federal Reserve’s preferred inflation metric, the personal consumption expenditures (PCE) price index, will be released on 28 February. Another annual inflation measure, the US Consumer Price Index (CPI), rose by a higher-than-expected 3.3% in January. The PCE print should have an impact on interest-rate futures markets, which are currently pricing in only one or two rate cuts in 2025.


Sources: Bloomberg, Allianz Global Investors, data as at 20 February 2025. The information above is provided for illustrative purposes only, it should not be considered a recommendation to purchase or sell any particular security or strategy or as investment advice. Past performance, or any prediction, projection or forecast, is not indicative of future performance.

Floating-rate notes, issued mostly by investment-grade corporates, are bonds with coupon payments that periodically reset up and down according to short-term interest rates. Since they have duration risk of close to zero, due to this reset feature, we expect US dollar floating-rate notes to continue to do well amid higher-for-longer rates and uncertainty about the pace and size of future cuts. Marketimplied forward US dollar cash rates remain elevated as US rate cut expectations have repriced down since the peak last September. Floating-rate notes remain attractive also from a “carry” perspective, since they offer the prevailing market interest rate plus an additional yield (spread) which is fixed over the life of the note and specified at issuance based on the issuer’s credit risk. As credit spread curves are currently steeper than the US Treasury yield curve, these notes offer a unique way to lock in higher nominal yields by extending spread duration – the sensitivity of a bond’s price to changes in the credit spread – instead of interest rate duration, which doesn’t offer much yield pick-up right now.

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Amid a challenging environment for core government bonds, high-yielding Asian and emerging market debt have performed well.



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近年,媒體對中國的大部 分關注都與宏觀挑戰有關 — 地緣政治衝突、房地產 行業疲軟及通縮壓力。我 們認為,這些分散了投資 者對中國科技行業快速發 展步伐的注意力。



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    • 安聯環球投資基金作為UCITS規例下的傘子型基金,旗下設有投資於固定收益證券、股票及金融衍生工具的多個不同附屬基金,每一附屬基金各具不同的投資目標及/或風險取向

    • 所有附屬基金 (「附屬基金」)可投資於金融衍生工具,會涉及較高的槓桿、交易對手、流通性、估值、波幅、市場及場外交易風險。附屬基金的衍生工具風險承擔淨額最多為其資產淨值的50%。

    • 部份附屬基金的部份投資亦可投資於任何一項工具或工具的組合,例如固定收益證券、新興市場證券及/或按揭證券、資產擔保證券、房地產相關資產(尤其是房地產投資信託基金)及/或結構產品及/或衍生工具,該工具可能會涉及不同潛在風險(包括槓桿、交易對手、流通性、估值、波幅、市場、相關房地產價值及租金收入波動及場外交易風險)。

    • 部份附屬基金可投資於單一國家或行業〔尤其是小型股/中型股公司〕。相對於比較多元化的附屬基金,該等附屬基金或會因其集中投資而承擔較高風險。部份附屬基金須承受重大風險包括投資/一般市場、國家及區域、新興市場〔如中國內地〕、信貸能力/信貸評級/評級下調、違約、資產配置、利率、波幅及流通性、交易對手、主權債務、估值、信貸評級機構、公司特定、貨幣〔尤其是人民幣〕、人民幣債務證券及中國內地的稅務的風險。

    • 部份附屬基金可投資於可換股債券、高收益、非投資級別投資及未獲評級證券,須承擔較高風險(包括波動性、本金及利息虧損、信貸能力和評級下調、違約、利率、一般市場及流通性的風險),因此可對部份附屬基金的資產淨值構成不利影響 。可換股債券將受提前還款風險及股票走勢所影響,而且波幅高於傳統債券投資。

    • 部份附屬基金可將相當比例的資產投資於由非投資級別主權發行機構〔例如菲律賓〕所發行或擔保的附息證券,因而須承擔較高的流通性、信用/違約及集中程度的風險,以及較大波動及較高風險水平。因此投資者可會蒙受嚴重虧損。

    • 部份附屬基金可投資於歐洲國家。歐洲經濟及財政困境有可能會惡化,因而對此附屬基金構成不利影響(如增加歐洲投資所附帶的波動、流通性及貨幣的風險)。

    • 部份附屬基金或會透過滬/深港通或中國銀行間債券市場或其他海外投資渠道制度及╱或相關容許的其他方式而直接及╱或透過一切合資格工具而間接投資中國A股、中國B股及╱或中國債務證券市場故此須承受相關風險〔包括額度限制、規則及規例的更改、基金匯回款項限制、交易限制、中國市場波動及不穩定、潛在的結算及交收困難、交易對手違約、中國經濟、社會和政治政策的變動及中國內地稅務等風險〕。滬/深港通及合格境外機構投資者計劃投資中國A股市場故此須承受相關風險(包括額度限制、規則及規例的更改、交易限制、結算及交收、中國市場波動及不穩定、中國經濟、社會和政治政策的變動及稅務等風險)。投資於人民幣計價股份類別亦須承受人民幣相關的貨幣風險及因貨幣貶值對該股份類別構成不利影響。

    • 部分附屬基金可採取以下策略,可持續及責任投資策略、SDG策略、可持續發展關鍵績效指標策略(相對)、綠色債券策略、多元資產可持續發展策略、可持續發展關鍵績效指標策略(絕對界線)、環境、社會及管治(「ESG」)評分策略及可持續發展關鍵績效指標策略(絕對)。如採取以上策略,附屬基金須承受策略相對的可持續投資風險〔如導致附屬基金在有利條件下放棄買入若干證券的機會,及╱或在不利條件下出售證券或倚賴來自第三方ESG研究數據供應商及內部分析的資料及數據,其可能帶有主觀成份、不完整、不準確或無法取得,及╱或與基礎廣泛的基金相比會減低風險分散程度〕。此舉有機會導致附屬基金更為波動,及對附屬基金表現構成不利影響,因而對投資者於附屬基金的投資構成不利影響。此外,部分附屬基金可能特別專注於被投資公司的溫室氣體排放效率,而非其財務表現。

    • 部份附屬基金可投資於固定分派百分比股份類別(AMf類股份)。投資者務請注意,固定分派百分比不獲保證。該股份類別不能替代支付固定利息的投資。AMf類股份的分派百分比與該等股份類別或本附屬基金的預期或過去收入或回報無關。如果基金錄得負回報,固定分派百分比股份類別將繼續作出分派,因而可能對基金的資產淨值構成不利影響。正數派息率並不代表正數回報。

    • 投資所涉及的風險可能導致投資者損失部份或全部投資金額。

    • 投資者不應單靠本〔網站/文件〕的資料而作出投資決定。



    附註:此附屬基金派息由基金經理酌情決定。派息或從附屬基金資本中支付,或實際上從資本中撥付股息。這即等同從閣下原本投資金額及╱或從金額賺取的資本收益退回或提取部份款項。這或令每股資產淨值即時下降,及令可作未來投資的附屬基金資本和資本增長減少。因對沖股份類別參考貨幣與附屬基金結算貨幣之間的息差,有關對沖股份類別之分派金額及資產淨值會因而更受到不利影響。股息派發適用於A/AM/AMg/AMi/AMgi/AQ 類收息股份(每年/月季派息)及僅作參考,並沒有保證。正數派息率並不代表正數回報。有關附屬基金股息政策詳情,請參閱銷售文件。


    • 安聯環球投資亞洲基金(「本信託」)乃遵照香港法例並根據信託契約而構成成的傘子單位信託。安聯精選主題收益基金安聯寰通收益及增長基金及安聯收益增值基金是本信託的附屬基金(每一「附屬基金」),投資於固定收益證券、股票及衍生工具,每一附屬基金各具不同的投資目標及/或風險取向。

    • 部份附屬基金須承受重大風險包括投資/一般市場、個別公司有關、新興市場、信貸用能力╱信用評級╱調低信用評級、違約、波動性及流通性、估值、主權債務、主題集中程度、以主題為基礎的投資策略、交易對手、利率變動、國家及地區、貨幣及資產配置及貨幣〔如外匯管制,尤其是人民幣〕的風險,及因貨幣貶值對人民幣計價股份類別構成的不利影響。的風險。 歐洲經濟及財政困境有可能惡化,因而會對該等附屬基金構成不利影響〔如增加歐洲投資所附帶的波動、流通性及貨幣的風險〕。

    • 部份附屬基金可投資於其他集體投資計劃及交易所買賣基金。投資於交易所買賣基金或須承受額外風險,如被動投資、追蹤誤差、終止及與相關指數有關的風險。而投資於其他集體投資計劃須承受與該集體投資計劃有關的風險。

    • 部份附屬基金投資於高收益(非投資級別與未評級)投資及/或可換股債券,須承擔較高風險,如波動性、違約、利率變動、一般市場及流通性的風險,因此可對此基金的資產淨值構成不利影響 。可能會增加原本投資金額損失之風險。可換股債券將受提前還款風險及股票走勢所影響,而且波幅高於傳統債券投資。

    • 所有附屬基金可投資於金融衍生工具,附屬基金會涉及較高的槓桿、交易對手、流通性、估值、波動性、市場及場外交易風險。運用衍生工具可能導致附屬基金承受超出原有投資款額的虧損。附屬基金的衍生工具風險承擔淨額最多為其資產淨值的50%。

    • 這項投資所涉及的風險可能導致投資者損失部分或全部投資金額。

    • 投資者不應僅就本網站而作出投資決定。



