Partnering with clients

Asset Allocation & Portfolio Construction

Navigate investment challenges and optimise your strategic asset allocation to meet your investment goals

  • Capital market assumptions
  • Asset allocation and portfolio optimisation
  • Portfolio construction
  • Liability-driven investing
Client challenge scenarios3
Scenario 1
Scenario 2
Your challenge

A large public pension plan wants to ensure that their portfolio is in line with the given risk budget, that the targeted return can be achieved, and that the portfolio provides enough liquidity to cover scheduled payments.

Your portfolio

The current strategic asset allocation is largely concentrated in domestic equity exposure and offers limited diversification benefits.

Our solution

Allianz Global Investors conducts a complete portfolio health check to identify potentially optimisation opportunities across asset classes and provides tailored advice to achieve the client’s investment objectives.

Our outcome

A well-defined and tested strategic asset allocation process paired with proprietary models for deriving realistic capital markets assumptions allow us to be a strategic partner to clients over their long-term investment horizon.

3 There is no guarantee that these investment strategies and processes will be effective under all market conditions and investors should evaluate their ability to invest for a long-term based on their individual risk profile especially during periods of downturn in the market.

We provide strategic asset allocation solutions tailored to each client’s unique investment situation, as well as identify ways to seek improved portfolio outcomes through a portfolio construction of best-fit investment products customised to your objectives.

Asset Allocation Advisory Process: Our asset allocation capabilities follow a clear and transparent process, leveraging a global academic network and quantitative models and methods.

We are a trusted advisor for our clients.
We support with all strategic decisions along the investment process.
risklab advisory
Definition of the
Investment Objectives
Generating Capital
Market Assumptions
Derivation of the
Investment Strategy
Portfolio Construction

For guidance only.

Investment Objectives: We tailor the process to our clients’ needs

  • Return target
  • Liquidity requirements
  • Investment restrictions
  • Risk budget
  • Investment horizon
  • Asset class universe

Capital Market Assumptions: Our long-term Capital Market Assumptions are derived based on our proprietary Capital Market Model (CMM)

Asset Allocation and Portfolio Optimisation: Our optimisation methodology results in an efficient portfolio allocation aligned with your defined investment objectives. The subsequent evaluation measures your portfolio characteristics from a holistic perspective.

Investment Objectives
Capital Market Assumptions
  • Reduces parameter uncertainty through robust optimisation
  • Also applicable in LDI context

For illustrative purpose only. LDI: Liability-driven investing; SAA: Strategic asset allocation. The above does not reflect any actual data or show any actual performance and are not indicative of future results.

Portfolio Construction: Robust portfolio construction is critical for a prudent implementation

Manager Research & Selection
Quantitative and qualitative screening of investment strategies to fit the client’s investment goals
Active Risk Analysis
Identifying the sources of risks from the different active managers and the correlations between them
Equity Style Analysis
Understanding the style tilts in the portfolio (style factors, regional exposure, industry exposure…)
Proforma Analyis
Showing the impacts of adding a particular investment strategy from a total portfolio view
Credit Quality Analysis
Quantifying the exposure by credit quality in the fixed income portion of the portfolio

For illustrative purposes only.

Liability-driven Investing (LDI)

  • Our LDI strategy is customised to the client’s liability profile. The design always starts with the analysis of the liabilities.
  • We minimise mismatch risks by addressing relevant risk factors and continuously realigning the portfolio to changes in the liability profile and the capital markets.
  • Our LDI strategy allows to flexibly adjust the hedge ratio for each risk factor. This allows to opportunistically increase/decrease the hedge.
  • The LDI strategy can be implemented as a close replication portfolio or as an active mandate with higher alpha aspirations.
  • Ongoing support from risklab‘s analytical tools and capabilities.
Risk Management

Balance risk/return objectives within your portfolio allocation and stay in control of your portfolio at all times

  • Assessment and modelling of market risk
  • Design of risk-management solutions
  • Tailored dynamic asset allocation and tail-risk strategies

AllianzGI manages over USD 49 billion4 in overlay mandates using our highly customised, systematic and dynamic risk management solutions. We have more than 15 years of successful track record4 in providing time-tested advice in risk management and overlay mandates for our institutional clients.

4 Allianz Global Investors; as of 30 June 2020. The asset under advice (AUA) is the “advice” which risklab team provides to the AllianzGI investment team in executing the relevant investment strategies".

Client challenge scenario5
Your challenge

A large life insurance company needs to reduce downside risk while still achieving its high return target.

Your portfolio

The existing portfolio allocates heavily to growth assets, which exposes the plan to significant downside risk and market selloffs.

Our solution

Allianz Global Investors demonstrates how an optimised overlay mandate can use a dynamic risk management strategy to mitigate the projected downside risks significantly while maintaining the upside potential of the portfolio’s expected returns.

Our outcome

With an integrated risk management overlay mandate, important risk metrics could be significantly reduced; however return targets would still be met within the client’s risk constraints.

5 There is no guarantee that these investment strategies and processes will be effective under all market conditions and investors should evaluate their ability to invest for a long-term based on their individual risk profile especially during periods of downturn in the market.

We offer customised risk management solutions that dynamically mitigate potential downside risks while maintaining the upside market participation in order to reach your target returns.

We offer varying solutions designed to meet specific client needs.

Multi Asset
Overnight Protection
Full market cycle
Dynamic Tail Risk Management
  • Design to protect against overnight risks
  • Focus on hedging equity tail risk
  • Options-based risk management solution, with some use of futures
  • Dynamic steering of risk budget to manage/minimise cost
Risk Management Overlay
  • Design to minimise downside risk typically over a one-year horizon
  • Target to generate returns in line with the Strategic Asset Allocation over a market cycle
  • A holistic multi-asset risk management solution for portfolio level
  • Futures-based risk management solution
  • Dynamic steering of risk budget to manage/minimise cost
Currency Risk Overlay
  • Smart investment strategy for hedging currency risks while seeking to avoid high hedging costs as typically found in currency pairs with a pronounced interest rate differential (e.g. EUR/USD)

Source: Allianz Global Investors, risklab, 2020. This is for guidance only. This is no guarantee of risk and target returns.

Risk Management Overlay (RMO): RMO aims to minimise portfolio loss potential in the short-term while limiting opportunity costs in the long-term

Strategy attributes

  • Systematic: transparent and disciplined investment process
  • Efficient implementation: capital efficient; does not interfere with existing mandates of external managers
  • Customised: tailor-made capabilities to the needs and specifications of each client

RMO helps to establish and implement a governance framework for a persistent alignment of allocation, return objectives and risk budget

Risk Management Overlay
as governing framework

Source: Allianz Global Investors, risklab; 2020. This is for guidance only.

Private Markets

Gain a holistic view and high process stability throughout the implementation – with an integrated approach that combines all relevant steps of the value chain

  • Modelling of private markets asset classes
  • Design of target allocation of private markets in the portfolio context
  • Commitment planning and manager selection
Client challenge scenario8
Your challenge

A mid-size endowment plan is exploring the option of adding illiquid assets to its portfolio. However, the client is not sure how to evaluate and integrate the new asset class.

Your portfolio

The existing portfolio is well-diversified across traditional asset classes merely lacking the diversifying exposure to private markets.

Our solution

Allianz Global Investors identifies the primary challenge of creating a customised private markets asset allocation, together with defining the portfolio design and implementation.

Our outcome

Develop a holistic structure covering the whole private markets investment value chain from asset allocation, products selection, portfolio build-up (J-curve management) and portfolio monitoring.

6 There is no guarantee that these investment strategies and processes will be effective under all market conditions and investors should evaluate their ability to invest for a long-term based on their individual risk profile especially during periods of downturn in the market.

Our private markets capability offers advice on private markets asset allocation, portfolio design and implementation that are customisable and cater to various investment purposes and preferences.

  • Advice covering the complete investment value chain from asset allocation, to portfolio construction, product selection and portfolio monitoring
  • Illiquid-specific advice with respect to portfolio build-up phase and j-curve management
  • Access to Allianz Global Investors’ experienced investment teams, external provider insights and the knowledge of Allianz SE as an investor
  • Asset class modelling on proprietary analytics & modelling platform
  • Tailored to your specific needs
  • Risk-return-focused
We help clients to achieve the desired level of diversification with lower market exposure using liquid alternatives.
Alternative sources
of return
Access to new, alternative sources or return through liquid mutual funds
Low market
Low exposure to equities and bonds and structurally lower tail risks than long-only-strategies
Risk reduction effect for traditional equity-bond portfolios
Our approach
  1. Client-specific objectives setting
  2. Fund selection
  3. Portfolio construction
  4. Monitoring and review

Source: Allianz Global Investors, risklab; 2020.

We help clients navigate the challenges of private markets investments and the portfolio implementation.
objectives with private
Illiquidity and
concentration risk
Long time to
High manager
cash flows
Reaching objectives
with private markets
Asset class, regional
and vintage year
J-curve management
and commitment
Manager selection
Interim investment

Source: Allianz Global Investors, risklab; 2020.

The screening, selection and monitoring of managers is an ongoing process.
Screening possible candidates and private markets options
Manager selection

Allianz Global Investors

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